Name: Vinícius dos Santos
Slogan: the light that hangs on the line dividing the South America.
Design philosophy: If I forget my roots and my culture, I would stop being who I am. Things that exist without culture are empty and unneeded.
In my design I use my culture, my people, my roots and my place, to create shapes and purposes. My design is made of who I am and all the people that made me be somebody, so my design is made for people by people.
Today’s thoughts: I've been thinking about the spring, about this new experience that is coming, I never have being in some spring outside Brazil before, so I’m wondering about the new smells and feelings that will come with this season. Without big worries, trying to live day to day.
Thoughts about the future: My future will always surprise me, I just know that tomorrow everything will be new. And this makes me happy, keeps me alive, because nothing can be better than the things that you will still experience.

To readers: “Creativity is fantasy allied to accomplishment. Accomplishment without fantasy creates bureaucrats. And Bureaucrats determine our unhappiness”.
See you in the fashion show!
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