Name: Suvi Leinonen
Slogan: If at first you don't succeed you won’t be thrown in a garbage bin.
As a designer I feel like a little princess who still wants to become a spaceman. I’m very proud that someone could even call me a gee and I’m currently trying to reinforce that thought by going to geeky places and doing geeky stuff.
Design philosophy: I want to design something amazing and I’m not settled untill people who see my clothes just stare them with eyes wide open. I’m interested in historical gowns as well as science fiction and fantasy. For me fashion is not an every-day thing, it’s something more than that. What comes to my collection, I’m trying to mix lights and fabrics together to create something really futuristic mixed with fantasy elements.
Today’s thoughts: I’m very busy at the moment with everything. I’m also very excited.

Thoughts about the future: I hope out fashion show will be remember for a long time or better, it would become something next to a cult.
To readers: I wish you all read this blog and I also wish you’d come to the show. I’ll see you there.
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